Who is Johnny Green?
Johnny is a well known cannabis grower, but he didn’t have a pleasant start for life. As a kid he grew up in a tough neighborhood, but lucky for Johnny he found his talent quite fast: being an expert in growing Cannabis. From that moment until today, Johnny have been growing happy, aromatic buds all around the world. To learn more about Johnny, please visit our “about us” page.
To what kind of flowers Johnny Green’s products are made?
Johnny's line of products is intended to be used with all sorts of Cannabis plants and with all sorts of growing conditions: Sativa, Indica, automatic, low CBD, high THC, indoor and outdoor, even hemp. Johnny got you covered.
Why Johnny Green?
Simply because Johnny Green line of products is the best. Johnny have been growing cannabis for many years, and helping the medical cannabis industry in maximizing yield and reaching the best possible buds.
How Johnny Green can help you grow cannabis?
Johnny's line of products is intended to be used with Cannabis plants only. The secret formulas have been developed and optimized by Johnny, and have been tested with various medical cannabis growers. Using Johnny’s products will help you get the maximum out of your cannabis plant, leading to high yield and amazing big aromatic buds.
What are the benefits of using Johnny Green products?
Applying Johnny’s product on your cannabis plant, will resolve in high yield, nice sticky aromatic buds and peach of mind to you, the cannabis grower. All of Johnny’s products have been tested with medical cannabis.
How can I contact Johnny?
Johnny is always happy to answer your questions, hear your story and see a nice photo of your plant. Johnny is here for you, contact Johnny.
Talk to Johnny
Talk to Johnny
Whether you like to ask a question, share a story, send a photo or show us your buds, Johnny is here waiting to hear from you.